
I have no where to run but I need to train for cross country, are there any muscle exercises I can do?

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Hi! I really want to make varsity cross country this next year in High School. I've been on the team before and I always just miss making varsity. I have been running on a local track for the past few weeks, but I am now in another country doing community service and there is nowhere to run here. I don't want to loose my training and I was wondering if there are any exercises that I could do to help me train in other ways. I was thinking something like muscle training that would help my running. Thank you so so so much!




  1. u can try jumping it helps gain leg muscles and also makes u taller ( not at once but it helps), soccer also help gain foot muscles so try any one but both works.

  2. The only thing I can think of to keep your cardio up is a tread mill.You can do all the muscle exercises in the world but your heart is the most important for running.Good luck.

  3. In another country?  Try a tread mill.

  4. can you jump rope? Try doing that for a while each day. If there is a pool or ocean/body of water near by swim a lot, do a core routine ( you know, like push ups, sit ups, leg lift etc...) If there is a gym do anything in there that works out your legs.  Try to get creative with places to run, even if you only have a 1/2 mile  loop then that is better than nothing. If you are afraid to get lost b/c there are not real roads then run out as far as you can in 1 direction w/o getting lost and then come back and go out in an other direction...

  5. I actually found the program P90X by Tony Horton to be awesome for cardio and any type of sport.

    I have the dvd's I can give you one of the plyometrics and cardio dvd's.

  6. I'm confused... how can there be nowhere to run? All you need is ground...

    If you don't run, you will lose a lot of what you worked for. If other exercises besides running were as good as running, people would probably do those things instead.

  7. To be honest, if you don't run at least 4 or 5 days a week (but preferably 6) you will be very out of shape. When I stop running for just 2 weeks I get really out of shape.

    I don't really understand how there can be "no where to run." That's the great thing about running, you can ALWAYS run somewhere. You don't have to just run on a track! Run on the road, run through the woods, run through villages. Do an "out and back" run where you time yourself. The possiblities are endless!

    But if you REALLY have no where to run... Do some jump roping, ab excersizes, and try to life some weights. If you don't have any weights, just use heavy objects and do arm curls and stuff. You could also work out on a treadmill, eliptical, or stationary bike if you have access to them.

    ^^ ab exercises

    good luck! =]

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