
I have not been accepted from a group need help!!?

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Hello, I have applied to join a group and it says it still hasn't been accepted yet.It's been months since i tried to join and haven't heard a thing.So i tried to send a message to the group and i got a email back from yahoo saying the group dosen't exist.But there still listed in my groups so i don't know what else to do here.I have even sent a message to the owner of the group with no answer back.Can someone please tell me what to do? The group name is imaginationcreationz it's a group that makes fantasy tags i would really appreciate any help you could give me!! Thank You, Lee Fleming




  1. Look on your "my groups" page

    If you see that group listed, look right above the group name. If it says "membership pending", it is totally up to the owner/moderators to approve your membership.  If it is not listed, go to the group's home page  and click on the "Join This Group" button, then go through the joining process.  Hopefully the past action was due to a glitch and you will be able to join it.

    Other than the above, about the only thing you can do is subscribe to their mailing list.  That does not have to be approved by the owner/moderators.  Send a blank email to ImaginationCreationz-subscribe@yahoogro...

    You will then receive an email from Yahoo to verify that you do want to subscribe to that group.  Just open the email, click "Reply" on your computer's email program, then click "Send".  

    This will place you in the group as an email only member.  You will be able to send and receive emails to and from the group but will not be able to access certain areas of the group's site.

  2. Dude!

    Wise up!

    Either the group doesn't exist, or they don't want you to join. It's a fact of life. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. That's just the way it is .

    Move on!

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