
I have not been to ballet class for two months...?

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...and my ballet school is quite "clicky" when it comes to that sort of thing. I was already the new girl so to speak, but tonight I am back again, and I am very nervous that they are going to make me feel uncomfortable because I haven't been going.

Anyone have any advice to put my mind at ease??




  1. Hopefully they won't be but if they are do you really want to go to that dancing school? I run a dancing school and would be horrified to find out that anyone was worried about coming back for this reason. Good Luck and if you enjoy dancing don't let anyone stop you going.

  2. don't worry it'll be fine.

    just pretend that you have been there the whole time

    and it'll be alright.

  3. Dont worry or it will show

    just do some stretches before you go and during the day do some things that you do in class,practice balancing and others things

    good luck and just relax!

  4. Walk tall, and then ask one of the leaders of a group of girls if she would help you learn a step that you missed.

    Just remember, if you have missed some classes, you can be sure some others have also.

  5. It's your choice to go and you have no obligation, and the people are taking your money, so just breeze in there confidently - don't listen to any stupid remarks :-] Even if the only reason you didn't go was that you didn't want to, they have no reason to pick on you and you've done nothing wrong.

  6. What an awful place to be in -- I feel for you. I know this isn't advice per se but if you are going there to dance, then concentrate on dancing. Work hard, turn out, and just do the best you can do. Dancing is about you and your body and if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable for wanting to be a better dancer, a better person, well they're obviously not there for the art form but for more ridiculous reasons. Good luck. Deep breaths.

  7. STAGE CONFIDENCE!!!!  I know you feel like you dance like c**p and everyone's going to be so much better than you but so what!  Have confidence and don't be timid about your dancing otherwise the other girls will laugh at you.  Trust me, at my ballet school, the other girls were really mean and if you let them know that you were nervous and didn't feel good about steps, they rubbed it in so much and made me cry all the time.  You've got to have faith in yourself and don't care what they think.  Shoot for the stars, don't listen to others belittling you, and good luck!  I know you'll do great!!!!

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