
I have not been with yahoo long can you help me ?

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i have not been with yahoo long can any one give me tips and whats reports abuse mean next to every answer




  1. Yahoo Answers has a huge list of what is and what is not allowed to be asked on this site. ( Find it in Community guidelines)  If there is a question on here that you find particularly offencive or upsetting, just click on the report abuse and the asker will receive a violation notice.  I think if you receive a certain amount of violation notices you are banned from the site.

    Also you can vote on whether you thin it is a good question or not ( thumbs up or thumbs down) and also on the replies that are received.  You cannot vote however until you get to level two, which I think is 250 points.

    You receive 2 points for every question you answer, 10 points if your answer is voted as the best answer given and you have 5 points deducted for every question you ask.

    Hope that all makes sense, enjoy yourself here but be warned it is totally addictive.

  2. Hi Claire!

    It's good to see you've joined the rest of us nutters! try and have a laugh on here, sometimes it can be too serious so fun questions are good. use the site for random questions and anything you may actually NEED to know. everyone on here is pretty nice. be warned though you will sometimes get mean answers. remember that you can't here the tone in which they are meant so don't take it personally! Just have a look around and you will see the type of stuff we ask and answer!report abuse on each question is for if you are really offended by the content. we don't get too many that are really bad so don't worry about it! Good Luck with the points system......Love K x

  3. Ok, if someone answers your question and it is rude or really offends you, you can report their comment annonymously. They'll lose points or whatever. To get you started answer some questions, and the more you answer, the more you can ask. You could always answer mine.

    Welcome to the group ;)

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