
I have not closed on my house and my realtor actually asked me to sign an extension but i really don't want it

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can i get my money back?




  1. no since there is a time limit that was set in the contract

  2. Probably you cannot, but one would need to see your whole contract before giving a definite yes or no answer.

    Most real estate contracts have many similar clauses in them.  One of them is the "Time Is Of The Essence" clause.  Read that one.  Also read the paragraph in your contract that gives the deadlines when certain activities must have occurred in the transaction (e.g. appraisal, loan application, et al).  

    If you are past those dates, then you may not be able to recover your earnest money.  However, if the seller has flubbed up, and you need an extension for that reason, then you are probably due back not only your earnest money, but also a little more as liquidated damages.

    Read your contract and see what it says.

    And remember that your Realtor, if he/she is in fact a member of a local board (and probably the NAR as well), must follow all of your legal instructions, and furthermore must place your interests even ahead of his/her own interests.

    If you have a Realtor who is living by that code, then ask your Realtor to figure this out for you.  If you feel like you don't have that level of confidence in your Realtor, then speak with his/her broker about this issue.

    Good luck to you.  I wish that I, or anyone else on this forum, could give you a definite answer to your question.

  3. Depends - are there conditions or contigencies that have not been met or cleared. What is the reason for the extention? Is it on your part or the Sellers? You need to talk to your real estate agent since they are representing your interest.  

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