
I have not had a period in 3 months up until 3 weeks ago..?

by Guest62507  |  earlier

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However since then I have been menstruating for 3 weeks straight. I'm not pregnant but I have microcytic anemia, but I don't know what is wrong with me. Any answers?




  1. Hey,

    you didn't disclose your age.

    Your age is important in this you see.

    If you started your menstrual cycles under 3 years ago, then this irregularity is totally normal and very common.

    Another thing that mankes this normal, is if you are on the contraceptive pill or equivalent (depo shot, patch, implant etc).

    These can sometimes mess with the periods and the cycle they take, and cause them to either stop completely, or carry on and on and on!

    If neither of these apply, you will need to see your doctor very soon, it's unlikely that this is anything to worry about, but the doctor needs to be aware of it to put your mind at ease.

  2. it's happened to me before and the doctor put me on birthcontrol , but i didn't take it . it regulated on it's own ... well , i got every month atleast . i did start taking the pills and now i can actually keep track of my period . but idk about the three weeks of having your period . that's weird . the only occasion i've heard of that happening is after postpregnancy .  

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