
I have not had my period in a month can I be pregnat?

by  |  earlier

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I had my period on july 2 and then august came and still no period I have two more days in this month then its over I had some spotting for a hour on the 15,28, I don't know what that mean could I be pregnant I toke a pregnancy test on august25 at the doctors and got a pelive exam he said that my uters was big and my cervix was thin out I don't no what to call that I though that i had tumor or something but I didn't so also my test was negative. btu could it mean that I ovulation late that's why it didn't show up I'm just really worried about me coming on for september and also I been vomiting, backaches, peeing alot,etc can an one help me or give me some answers that can help me what to do. Me and my boyfriend have unprotected s*x when we do have s*x but the trick that he says is that he is fix so he supposed not to can make children I don't know whats going on can someone help me please.




  1. Okay it could be a possiblity that you are pregnant because maybe your boyfriend just lied and said he was fixed just so you guys would have s*x unprotected and get you pregnant, but still you should still be on the safe side and even if he said he's fixed or whatever the story may be you should still be protected. ad since you have been vomiting and having random backaches those are symptoms of pregnancy unless you vomit on a regular basis wich is probably not true, but you should just be prepared for anything because there is a very GOOD possiblity that you are in deed pregnant.  i hope that helped (:

  2. I would suggest goiing and getting  ÃƒÂƒÃ‚£ blood test done.. cause you sure sound like you could be preggers.. if not, then of course it's something else.. also even if he's 'fixed' if he didn't go back and get his sperm count tested, they could still be some.. good luck.. xo

  3. The symptoms of an ovarian cyst can often closely mimmick pregnancy symptoms, and cause deleays in your cycle. Delays in ovulation and delays in the start of menstrual cycles.

    Go to your doctor as some cysts can be dangerous.

    Good luck.

  4. dont ever trust a man who said he is fixed! did you see the paper work with his name on it from the hospital? NOPE? then dont belive him.

    it could be STD? (not saying your naughty....everyone gets them if they have unprotected s*x you know) if you went to the dr..... why didnt he clarify if you were Pregnant or not. you didnt put if the dr took a pregnancy test or not. did he? what was the result? i say take a test. and the dr should of talked to you and told you more of what was going on. if you didnt understand the visit please call the office back and have the nurse pull your chart and explain to you what the result of your visit was..... ok? good luck

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