I had my period on july 2 and then august came and still no period I have two more days in this month then its over I had some spotting for a hour on the 15,28, I don't know what that mean could I be pregnant I toke a pregnancy test on august25 at the doctors and got a pelive exam he said that my uters was big and my cervix was thin out I don't no what to call that I though that i had tumor or something but I didn't so also my test was negative. btu could it mean that I ovulation late that's why it didn't show up I'm just really worried about me coming on for september and also I been vomiting, backaches, peeing alot,etc can an one help me or give me some answers that can help me what to do. Me and my boyfriend have unprotected s*x when we do have s*x but the trick that he says is that he is fix so he supposed not to can make children I don't know whats going on can someone help me please.