
I have not received a single message from any of my Yahoo groups today, Thursday May 29.?

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As far as i can tell I am not bouncing & I am set on individual mail for all groups. Very frustrating!!




  1. comcast on new reports was hacked. they state the problem is fixed now- I'd e-mail them for any who are using comcast

  2. Nope. not having any problem at all

  3. There are a few things you can do to check why this may be happening.

    I'd start with going to the group home page and see if there have been posted any other messages to the group since the last one you received.  If there have, then check your "Edit Membership" settings to ensure that you are set to receive individual e-mails and not daily digest or something else.

    Next, check your SPAM filter to ensure that they're not going there by mistake, or some other folder that you didn't remember setting up as a filter.

    Finally, it may just be a slow day (again) for Yahoo to get messages out to the members.  There have been times where a message sent to a group isn't forwarded to the members of that group for several hours to a couple of days.  (Oh, and I hate to think that you're no longer a member of that group for whatever reason, but you'll find that out when you goto the group home page.)

  4. Hi!  

    I've been having the same problem.  Are you on Comcast?  When I called them, they said that they had an email outage last night but that everything was back to normal.

    I told them that it definitely was NOT since I was able to switch a couple of my groups, as a test, to my gmail account and I'm receiving group email there just fine.

    To me, that means the problem is with Comcast.  

    Yahoo gave me a URL to pass along to my isp that contained the correct IP's for them to allow through.  Here's the URL they sent me:

    If you aren't on Comcast, the above link might still help so call your ISP and give them that URL.... if you are on Comcast... still call them and give them the information.

    I have a few other friends on Comcast who are in the same situation we are along with a few others I have seen posting here.

    Best of luck to all of us so we can get our groups back to sending individual emails to our preferred email addresses!

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