
I have not seen <span title="my........................?">my..........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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I have not seen my period in over 4 months now, could i be pregnant? I am a little scared to take the test because i don't want to find out that i am not - One more thing, i had severe endometriosis and did a surgery in March of this year, therefore, i don't know if that is they reason why i am not seeing any. Oh! And my doc. gave me injection a month after the surgery and say to that i must come back to him in 4 months time. I really want to get pregnant and would really appreciate someone with similar situation to respond to this question.




  1. You need to go back to you Doctor.

    The shot that your doctor gave you after surgery may be the reason that you have not had your period. It hasn&#039;t been 4 months yet. But you still need to go ahead and go.

    Don&#039;t be worries that you are not pregnant. After having surgery it is better to wait a few months to give you time to completely heal up before even trying to become pregnant.

  2. I would post this on the pregnancy category..cuz i&#039;m pretty sure most of the people here have no clue lol....

  3. you maybe and see a doctor  and wrong category sorry

  4. If you are pregnant you need prenatal care.  Post this question in women&#039;s health, the people there can help you more than we can.  Good luck.

  5. Go take an ept test or something. This question isn&#039;t for mythology post it on pregnancy.

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