
I have not <span title="seen...............................?">seen........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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I have not seen my period in over 4 months now, could i be pregnant? I am a little scared to take the test because i don't want to find out that i am not - One more thing, i had severe endometriosis and did a surgery in March of this year, therefore, i don't know if that is they reason why i am not seeing any. Oh! And my doc. gave me injection a month after the surgery and say to that i must come back to him in 4 months time. I really want to get pregnant and would really appreciate someone with similar situation to respond to this question.




  1. there could be a number of reasons why you have not had a period, pregnancy being one of them, but unfortunately the only way to know is to gettestedd. i know how scared you must be to get anegative result, but you really have to know one way or the other

  2. You need to take a pregnancy test . IF you are pregnant your talking 2, 3, 4 months without any prenatal care! You need to take a test and call your doctor.  

  3. well, how exactly do you expect to find out if you won&#039;t take a test? I suggest you take one b/c if you are pregnant you need to start getting medical treatment so you will have a good pregnancy and keep the baby healthy. You&#039;re going to have to find out eventually if you&#039;re pregnant or not, so it may as well be now.I know it&#039;s tough seeing those BFN&#039;s but it would be better for your health (and a possible child&#039;s too) if u went and got it checked out.

  4. you need to go to the doctor or take a test, if its been 4 months since your last period, lets say you are about 4 months pregnant if you are in fact pregnant and you need to be having prenatal care and should be taking prenatal vitamins if you are. you need to find out asap

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