
I have noticed that YELLOW DROPS are falling from the sky! Wht are these yellow drops? Is it acid rain?

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I live in Bangalore (India) and i have noticed that there r yellow drops everywhere on the ground, on the roof top, on the clothes left out to dry... These yellow drops are wet when they fall n then it dries up and looks powdery yellow colour. Its everywhere i see on the ground. I wonder if its acid rain? Banglore is very polluted now... The vehicles emit so much of pollution ! Is this yellow powder sulfur? Yesterday one drop fell on my hand... And when i looked around, there were hundereds of them everywhere !! Its horrible!




  1. It's probably pollen.  It may be dust.

  2. It's tree pollen.  Pollen from pine trees is yellow and is very plentiful.

    However if you don't buy this and are looking for something more to keep you scared, just consider it exhaust from space saucers.,

  3. Normal rain is colourless, right? It's just the gods, bored silly probably.

  4. This is a possible explanation:

    "The scientific critics' view of Yellow Rain also received some support recently. In mid-June 2002, a yellow-green rain fell from the sky on the town of Sangrampur, near Calcutta, India. Rumors spread that the rain might be contaminated with toxins or chemical warfare agents. Shortly after the "attack," however, Deepak Chakraborty, chief pollution scientist for the Indian state of West Bengal, reported that the yellow-green droplets were in fact bee f***s containing pollen from local mangoes and coconuts. He concluded that the colored rain may have been caused by the migration of a giant swarm of Asian honeybees, which are known to produce "golden showers."

  5. probably tree pollen

  6. If it leaves paint on the car puckered it is acid rain but it could be bird or other kind of living liquid waist.  That as well could cause paint to eat away.  Acid rain doesn't have a true color unless it is really bad.  Sulfur rich would cause the whole place to smell of rotten eggs.  So I don't think that it is that.  Try taking a sample of it and having it analyzed at a local university.

  7. It's urine from airplanes.

    How do YOU know?

  8. It sounds very much like sulphur, which, I am sure you know,  dissolves in water to form sulphuric acid - nasty stuff also called acid rain.  Do you live in an industial or inner city area?Motor vehicles have been blamed for causing this problem.  The acid can be strong enough to damage paintwork and even affect buildings over a period of time.

  9. probably pollen. acids are mostly clear, even suphuric.

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