
I have noticed two growing bald spots. Will the hair grow back by itself?

by Guest66995  |  earlier

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My girlfriend noticed a bald spot on the back of my head about 6months ago. Back then it was the size of a penny now its grown to over the size of a fifty cent piece. During this time another bald spot has grown, this time on the top of my head. My mom said she had the same occurance around the same age and hers grew back within a year. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this happen to them and if so, what did you do to help it. Thanx for reading




  1. no u need to shave ur hair off at this stage my dad had too

  2. It is unlikely it will grown back by itself. Men and women have different body chemistry's so a womens lose of hair may not be permanent.

    A man on the other hand, must deal the the cards he is dealt (genetically speaking).

    Some things you could try....MSM supplementation, Rogaine, Propecia

    MSM is a natural supplement that can be taken and research is showing positive results. See source article.

    I take this stuff myself

  3. i dont know how old you are, but many guys experience hair loss. it sounds like you are experiencing the common "ailment" male pattern baldness. some men experience this as young as 18 years old. while other men in their mid 20's, some in their 30's, and some NEVER experience it.

    if you are experiencing male pattern baldness, then you should not worry about it. simply shave your head completely. we are lucky because shaved heads are totally in. and i do not expect shaved heads to ever be considered taboo again. its the norm now for guys with hair loss to simply shave the head completely. rather than walk around with bald spots that make you look 15 years older than you really are.

    see a doctor to determine if you do indeed have male pattern baldness ( a normal thing). or if you have something else. only a doctor will be able to tell you for sure.

    in any case, do not panic. i used to fear hair loss. now i just shave my head and it doesnt bother me in the least.

  4. Never heard of anyting like that except for someone that has ringworm.

  5. I had that happen to me like three or four years ago.  A bald spot showed up on the back of my head and after about six months it grew back.  I applied medications given to me by doctors, but from what I hear it usually grows back by not sure if medicine helped or not.  I know have another bald spot on the side of my head.  I'm applying a corticosteroid cream but no luck yet.  Hopefully it will grow back soon.  Good luck to you my alopecia areata brother and hope it grows back for you soon.

  6. Sounds like premature male pattern baldness. It can start as early as 18. You may wish to consider talking to a doctor about Propecia or Rogaine.

  7. it mostly depends on how old you are and how fast your hair grows normally but i would recomend that you use ine of those products that make your hair grow but if it you aren't afraid of needles u could get a track sewn in and it will look like all the rest of your hair .

  8. no robert u r gonna look like a peeled onion,male pattern baldness,u r probably gonna have to tie a porkchop around your neck to get the dog to play with you,ok mommys boy! hahahaha,on the other hand it maybe mange

  9. As the above author mentioned, it sounds highly consistent with adrogenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness, where the pattern of loss involes the frontotemporal regions and the vertex.  This pattern is classic.  There are other forms of alopecia, so you'd best be advised to see a Dermatologist to exclude other causes for hair loss, but in most cases it's a hereditary aesthetic issue and the only FDA approved agents for its treatement are Minoxidil & Finsasteride.

  10. My family has male pattern baldness where only the top of your head loses hair, but never will come back.. never have i heard of losing little spots, but chances are if your mom's grew back.. yours would too!

  11. I have heard of it happening and the hair growing back, but I have also heard of it happening and it not growing back. I wouldn't worry about it though.


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