
I have noticed yet another hole in Kimbos game do you agree?

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he has a weak jaw. we all know that the guys Kimbo fought in his internet days were just big untrained mostly out of shape average guys. but I have seen in several of his fights that he gets dazed easily. if the guys he fought had any skills they would have jumped on him when he was dazed and ended the fight. this made me think we had not seen kimbo get hit by a real fighter. Gannon hit him and knocked Kimbo and gannon sucked. It would be funny if Shamrock KO ed Slice instead of submitting him. so in my opinion these are kimbos weaknesses. He as poor stamina, no affective ground game, no affective kicks, his punching power is suspect, and he has a weak chin. does this sound about right?




  1. You watch fight videos over and over long enough, and eventually even a non-pro will notice weaknesses in even the best fighters.

    One of my favorite heavyweight boxers for example, Rocky Marciano, had a tendency to lean to the right too much to set up his "suzie q" punch.  In fact, leaning right seemed to be a hobby for him in the ring.  Against a smart heavy like Louis in his prime, much as I like the man, he would have been tagged by an upper cut and that would have ended his night.  Few boxers in any weight class have an upper knockout blow, however those that do, have always been widely feared, and for good reason; you don't see it comming for one, and perfected, the upper cut is lethal as h**l.  However its a tough-as-nails punch to get good at, and punching bags are not exactly conducive to good upper cut development.

    In the past, boxers of old created ingenious pads and all sorts of devices to help develop varioius punches, sadly many of those tricks have been lost, or simply forgotten.  Louis, used to hit I believe a "bag" of thick leather attached to where a speed back should be, the purpose was, to develop his upper cut.  In time he could punch so hard, the thunderous sound could be heard around the block; in his prime Louis was a very scary guy.

    So what I'm I saying?  Marciano was only undefeated because no boxer of his time had an uppercut strong enough to exploit his habbit of constantly leaning right.  Believe me, Joe Louis would have knocked him on his @ss in his prime, "suzie Q" punch and all.  Rocky Marciano's nose was split open by boxer Ezzard Charles, by a missed uppercut.  Why was Charles constantly using uppers?  Again, Marciano's strategy flaw, which Charles attempted to exploit.  However Charles was no Louis, and his uppercut was too weak to deal Marciano any significant damage.

    Could Tyson beat Marciano?  Hey, if Tyson had an uppercut like Louis', sure.

  2. Good work. I'll keep all those things in mind when I take a wrong turn down an alley and he tries to shake me down for money after his career tanks.

  3. Yeah. You have to love how the Gannon fight completely exposed the fact that he has zero stamina, a weak chin and little real punching power (he punched the man in the face for ten minutes and could barely stagger him). I've also noticed that Kimbo''s been knocked off his feet twice in his little street-fights.

    In fact, the only things working for the man are the promotion and Bas Rutten.

  4. You missed out that his movement is almost zero, has no strategy (but what strategy can a one dimensional fighter have) and seems oblivious of ring positioning  

  5. Its hard to say whether Kimbos chin is good or not - he has been staggered in one of the fight videos, but then in another he lets the guy punch him in the face and doesn't flinch. I think that the correct term would be "untested".

    I do agree though, he does have a lot of holes.


    - ground game

    - conditioning

    - wrestling


    - decent boxing

    - scary dude


    - chin

    I put scary dude under the strengths because in my opinion thats how he beat Cantrell. It was more to do with Cantrell being completely nervous and intimidated than anything else.

  6. Yes,your Novel you wrote down is true,but he can woop your *** is the thing.  

  7. Sounds dead on to me .... I've often wondered why noone every ran over and just throw a "Flying Knee" at him just for the pure sport of it.  CRACK!!! and Kimbo would be out like a light man.  I never could understand why noone ever finished his off.  Then again I can't understand how his fight against Thompson wasn't a TKO in the 2nd round being that Thompson way layed his a** for a good solid minute or longer in that fight.  The EliteXC refreees suck out loud is all I can say ..... If I would have been the one refing that fight it would have been Thompson by way of TKO easily.

  8. I disagree for some different reasons.  While his chin is appearing a little more suspect these days I think that is more due to age.  He is not a young fighter with little wear-an-tear and fighters like him sometimes lose some of their ability to take a shot as they grow older and with the accumulation of punishment and getting hit.  Secondly he exhibits good punching power when he is throwing them with his body behind it but in his last fight I think he was focusing on trying to use technique rather than relying on brute strength and his weight and body behind his punches for power.  I agree his technique is lacking and what I think you saw was a fighter that is trying to make a transition here and he is not quite there yet.  This is easier said than done and very few fighters succeed in doing this. While his stamina was not good it was really bad before when had none!  So I think he continues to be a work in progress with a lot of hype behind him who will win some fights but eventually will be exposed.

    Shamrock is also an aging fighter but one with experience who will be a good test for Slice.  Slice might get lucky and connect with a shot which Shamrock does not take so well either anymore as shown in his last few fights.  It is an interesting match-up and if Slice can continue to improve he might give Shamrock some trouble especially if he can keep it off the ground.  If Shamrock comes in shape, and Slice has not improved beyond what he is now it could be a short night for him unless he can get lucky and connect.  He will tire and slow and become easier for Shamrock to take down and then he could be in real trouble.  I predict Shamrock by submission or choke late in the second round.

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