
I have offered to help my aunt watch her son who has, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder..?

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my aunt is going through alot, has 3kids, a girl 8year old also with ADHD, her son(6) with ADHD (the one I offered to take care of while on summer break), and a 1year old boy .. I see her struggling with all 3kids, single mother, the boy is here with me now, plays well with my 6year old, my question is, I would like to help this boy, help her discipline him, learn to obey and pay attention, etc. . him and his sister at home which she seems to me to be a total airhead ..fights with him often, what can I do to help this child, I am totally against medication ... any tips or advice out there for this child to become a better child ..?? thnks !




  1. I totally get that u r against medication. u may want 2 think of alternative treatment like yoga...I don't know if it's good for kids but it has helped me improve my concentration and reduce restlessness. Exercising or playing a sport also should help sap all the excess energy.Best of luck!!

  2. First off, you wouldn't deny a diabetic insulin, so why are you "totally against medication" for someone with a diagnosed medical condition?  That said, I know it's overdiagnosed and medication is often easier than parenting and discipline, but try to keep an open mind to your nephew's needs which may or may not include medication.

    That said, kids with ADHD need both physical activity and predictable routines.  Your nephew needs time to run and play outside every couple of hours. I'd also suggest martial arts or organized sports to help harness some of the extra energy.  A regular schedule helps because kids with ADHD have a hard time with transitions.  Try and give warning when you want him to switch activities like, "In five more minutes, I need you to turn off the T.V. and set the table."  Be firm with your rules, but try to ignore the little annoying things like fidgiting... they're often not purposeful and the kids may not even be aware of what they're doing.

  3. If he gets to uppity a little thing that may help is black coffee, has to opposite effect with those with ADHD.  You could help him by finding projects and seeing to it he completes them...Make him feel good about accomplishing something.  Try and keep his mind on one thing at a time, it will be hard.  Find something he really likes doing.

  4. I have heard that martial arts help in the concentration of children.  I knew of a child which it helped him in someways, except he was diagnosed with more then ADHD.  You may want to check with a counselor or a doctor for some ideas.  I do understand he is not your child but asking questions does not hurt, it can only help.  Good Luck.

  5. my first daughter has this and the truth is I tried everything....adn it did not work well,until I tried 1,2,3,magic...I use it for eating everthing you could think about...she is 14 years  old and I hardly ever use this any 1,2,3, magic read up on it,and start teaching this kid in the end they know how to listen and how not to be bad all the time,but his mom has to do the same thing at home ,it has to be a 24 hour a day thing.....I wish you all the best and good luck in your good work....

  6. Stay with a routine and keep everything fun - plenty of time to run around and play. All foods should be as natural as possible. No hot dogs, fast foods, or processed foods. whole grains. lunch could be a sand which-make sure it's real meat! not bologna but deli Turkey b*****s. snack should be a fruit or veggie, no granola bars or little Debbie snacks. that stuff is bad for everyone but is horrible for people with ADHD.

    (Im totally against the meds too)

  7. If you are against medication that will help your child succeed in school then you are just going to have to deal with his behavior. You are only hurting the child by not giving them medicine believe me i know.

  8. Organization helps a lot of kids who have ADHD.  Same schedule all the time and such.  Change disrupts their day and will upset them.  (some, not all)  So maybe on the days he's with you, be sure that meals are always the same time, trip to the park is always the same time, that sort of thing.  It does get a tad repetitive for you, having the days always be so scheduled, but it may help him a lot.  And you could make it that there are 2 different schedules, if he's tolerant of that, and rotate them every other day.  Good luck!

  9. don't let him have candy or anything with red dye. red dye #40 is the worst

    it has worked for my nephews

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