
I have ..................... on my head :(?

by Guest65464  |  earlier

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I have like a little lump on the top of my head about a cm from my hairline and my doctor says its a cyst, personally i'm not bothered about it but he said that if it got any bigger then I would have to have it removed problem is i'm scared about it cos i'd have to have part of my hair off :(




  1. I have one too. Its about the size of a sunflower seed. I wouldn't worry about it either, unless it starts to bleed, hurt, or grow.

    Good luck,


  2. They normally just pop them like a pimple so you won't lose any hair.

    It's normally happens when a hair follicle gets clogged and then turns into a giant cyst pimple.  But a hot compress on it ever night and did he give you anything to put on it?  I had to have one drained and then they just made a small cut on it so that it would stay open and not fill back up.  No hair loss and it didn't even hurt- just a pinch.

  3. Does it hurt when You press it? It will when it gets bigger.

  4. Sounds like you are more worried about your hair! Worry about that lump you have and keep an eye on it and get it checked out again by someone else..just to be on the safe side. Your hair can always grow back so please, do not worry about that.  

  5. So you have a cyst on your head and you're worried about your hair?


  6. you can always get a wig.

  7. A doctor swish at minor surgery should manage it without removing any hair. I used to tape the hair out of the way, make a small excision and the sebaceous cyst pops out, 2 or 3 stitches, job done.

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