
I have one dog and two cats i got a little puppy how do i get them to like each other?

by  |  earlier

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i have one border collie and now one mini dachshund how can i get them to be friends then i have two cats how will they get along?????




  1. It's hard to say how they will get along.  Some dogs  and cats refuse to accept a new family member, while others welcome them with open paws.  Don't force them together.  They will meet on their own terms.  There probably will be a scrap or two - just don't let it get out of hand.

  2. ok i am a vet tech so i know alot about this but there is one that is good.

    take a cloth dry or wet and rub it on ur puppie for a min then let your other animals smell it ounce they get used to the sent they will get usd to the puppi

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