
I have one letter of "you are the winner of Sweepstakes of Rs.10000000/-" but how its possible to get a price

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I have one letter of "you are the winner of Sweepstakes of Rs.10000000/-" but how its possible to get a price




  1. its a spam, and the monetary unit R$ is the money of Brazil (Real) and R$1,60 = 1,00US$

    but, dont click in any link of this spam, your PC may be infected by a tel.xls.exe worm, no antivirus can catch or delete this virus, in 2 weeks, your PC dont start the windows and you will have to format, i know this for experience, my pc ave be infected by these virus and, in two weeks i've formated


  2. Shouldn't you be saying "How could I win?  I didn't buy a ticket, or enter a free online sweepstakes/lottery"

    There are dozens (maybe hundreds) of these phishing exercises floating around the email systems of the world.

    It is a scam - nobody in the world will solicit personal details and banking information by email, or ask you to contact your bank's security website (via the link the scammer provides) LEGITIMATELY.

    Anyone who does is a scammer, and the way they get you is using an URL that starts with the bank's name followed by either:

    1. a dot (instead of a /)

    2. a string of %20 or _ so long that it is way beyond the limit of the browser's address field before the REAL webserver actually is.

    3. a name that seems that it could be correct, e.g. stgeorgebank instead of the real name of stgeorge (or whatever is the real situation - this is a hypothetical example).

    To add the authentic look, the artwork will usually be the real thing - coming from the real website (without permission of course)

  3. Sorry friend but there is no Microsoft, Yahoo or other e-mail lottery, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information

    .Also If you go to the following site you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful

  4. you can have this huge sum of rs10000000, all you have to do is give us your bank account details, let us take all your moneey, and send you something worthless, then remind you you should always read the fine print, better luck next time!

  5. let me ask you a question - did you enter a sweepstake? how can you win a prize that you didn't enter???????

    Google the lottery and see the scam... or google Advanced Fee Scams, Lottery Scams, Nigerian Fraud Scams and read lots.... DONT GIVE YOUR NAME/DONT SEND MONEY

  6. scam

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