
I have only one question, thinking about the years you have lived, are you better off?

by  |  earlier

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Does the future look promising, can man do as much with the next fifty years as he did with the last?




  1. hmm.  better than the last 50 years.  guess its about perspective.  the iron curtain fell in 89 effectively ending wwii.  the civil right movement.  kings murder, kenedys murder.  korea, vietnam, bosnia.  spandex, cell phones, dvds, computers.  mandatory seatbelt use, helmets while riding bicycles.  all i can say is the theme song from the facts of life was:  you take the good, you take the bad and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life.  i think as a whole we are slightly better off than when i was a kid.  in some ways considerably better off.  other ways we are significanly worse off.  in the next fifty it will be about the same.  there will be advances and losses.

  2. humanity is headed down the crapper, but the years that ive lived only add to who i am.

    and what's the alternative, suicide or revolution.

  3. Yes and it's getting better and better with each passing day.I believe that next fifty years are going to be the best ever,For the ONE and ONLY one life, it must be lived to the fullest.

  4. On the good days I would say yes. On the bad days...

    The future? Why don't you ask something easy? Like where am I gonna spend eternity?

  5. Yes....Future is quite promising.......will be going off with flying colours..

  6. Of course a man can do as much in his future as what he did in his past. It's your life, and you've got the choice of how to live it.

    And yes, I think I'm better off after all the (sixteen) years I have lived :D

  7. Yes. I'm 1) sober 2)drug free 3) alive 4) healthy 5) not in jail 6) not in hospital 7) etcetera

  8. I look around and see many people in pain and think Thank God i'm much better off, and i wish with my heart to help them.  However with every thing goning now, i don't think it looks that great

  9. Yes.

    I own my own razor,shaving cream & have a mirror on layby.

    Lifes good !

  10. I will soon have 70 yrs under my belt & it is beginning to show.  Since the time of Plato & probably much further back than that, the elder generation has complained that the younger one lacks motivation, drive and all the other factors needed to sustain their civilization and sometimes they have been right.

    Population density has an inverse corrolation to freedom and happiness of the population. When people are packed closer together they tend to interfere with the lives of their neighbors to a greater degree. While people don't want their lives controlled by the neighbor, they want to control the neighbor's actions & thoughts.  Typically the larger the population the more services one has available... but the less control they have over their own lives.

    My only gripe about today's society is that the little twits that don't have the ability to control their own lives think they are qualified to control mine.  On the positive side, the accumulation of knowledge is growing at an expodential rate & I reget the coming discoveries I will miss.  I suspect the child that will never grow old, but live 100s of years has already been born.

  11. If "man" or humankind does so, the human species is in danger of extinction!

  12. I lived my years in glory and pleasure. I have planned for the next 20 years to live in the same glory. After that I pray for God to take me away coz I hate hate hate growing age! It sucks bigtime. I would wanna age gracefully and all that, but would surely wanna just kick the bucket asap coz old age is nothing but trouble.

  13. Man has proven an almost unlimited potential to mess things up. For every good mankind seems to alege more bad seems to be the end result. I wouldn't be too enthusiastic, I doubt I'll be here in 50 years but if it were to happen I'm not expecting too many good things to come! Believe what you want, it is just my opinion.

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