
I have or had i mean two fire belly toads and they have both vanished

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Now the cage is sealed and i checked it thoroughly . I do have a cat but im not sure she could get to them. Please help because my dad thinks i flushed them down the crapper????




  1. This is really gross, but fire belly toads are mostly water. If one dies, what's left doesn't look much like a toad any more. More like some scum or just a little dark glob in the water. It's pretty disgusting, but it's easy to miss seeing this.

    They're also really good at hiding. If there's anything they can get under or behind, they'll do it. When you say you searched thoroughly, did you actually remove all the rocks and stuff from the tank? You need to do this.


  2. Fire bellied toads are very good hiders. You should remove all of the rocks and other things in your terrarium. Then check in the dirt. After that make sure there isn't something that looks like mold in the water if there is it is probably them because that is how they normally die. They are most likely just hiding because I doubt they will both die at the same time.

  3. fire belly toads can climb shear glass and can squeese out of tiny gaps i would guess they've escaped put down bowls or spring water/treated tap water on the floor hopefully they'll find them and get in. (also the advice above about taking everything out is good just to double check)

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