
I have orders to korea and am a reclass solder my wife will divorce me if i go to korea how can i change them?

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i reclassed and go to school Jan 02, 2009 my branch managers can't help for my MOS now or my reclass MOS who can i talk to?




  1. i don't know what ur wife's thinking bout korea but if she's thinking south korea is like north korea and that's why she doesn't want u to go to korea, tell her to come with u for like 2 weeks she'll want to live there, i went there this summer it was cool!

  2. Perhaps you should change your wife if she can't deal with being married to a Soldier.  It's not going to get any easier for her unless you are getting out sometime soon.

  3. Unfortunate... but that is what marriage is about.  She knew you were a solider.  I think you would be better off without her.   This is indicative of bigger things.  

  4. Wow, I wouldn't be trying to change your orders. Your wife knew what she was getting into and honestly she is being a little selfish by telling you that. You can't choose where you go, and difficult as it may be as your wife she should be the one that supports you the most.

  5. If your wife will divorce you if you go to Korea then she never loved you. I understand she will be lonely but that is your job. No matter the decision you need to rethink your marriage.

  6. Well i hate to tell you when you took that second oath in the boot camp you signed in for life and they can tell you where you will go. If you really want to go against it take it to the COC (chain of command) and request a re listing in to another field. In the end when they tell you to go you have to go. Your wife may need to come to the terms she is a military wife now she has to support you.

  7. Most answerers seem to agree that you'd be better off to change your wife, not your orders.  I'd recommend counseling first to see if she can come to terms with her issues. It seems VERY likely that there is more to her disloyalty than 12 months in Korea.

    If you still want to change your orders, you should certainly speak to your chain of command.

    If that doesn't help, I strongly recommend you speak to your unit chaplain.  Tell him what you are facing.  Your chaplain can help you with both sides of this problem.  He might be able to help your wife understand, and he also might be able to pull some strings with your orders.

    Chaplains live for this sort of thing.

    Good luck, soldier!  And thanks for your service.  We are all proud of you.

  8. Wow, she shouldn't leave you because your going to Korea, she should support you, she knew what she was marrying into. Unless you decided to join the army after you two got together then she should suck it up. Personally I would never be with someone in the army, your away from eachother to long and one spouse could get hurt. PLus the US army is bs, fighting for oil years ago, what the h**l are they still doing in Iraq, raising gas prices, thats all!

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