
I have overstayed for 9 years in UK. what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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no sorry,, but in my contry we have not ..inglish breakfast.....




  1. get deported????

  2. Well all I can say is if you have been in England for more than 9 years I would have thought you would have at least learnt how to spell "English" (not inglish)!

  3. Just shut your mouth, stay put where you are, continue to do what you have been and await an amnesty announcement!

  4. pack ur **** and go home  u broke  the law  and just think we trusted you to leave when u were supposed to  and don't let the airport gates hit u in the ***

  5. for 9 years?

    if you get caught, you will get into troubles,deported, fines, who knows what else?

    i have no advice for you, for if you wanted to straighten your situation? you would have done so, long ago;

  6. Yeah it's time to go the uk is a lot stricter than we are here in america they will through you in jail for it.

  7. You should:

    -Go to an airline reservation site

    -Buy a ticket back home

    -Pack up your things

    -Go to the airport with your things

    -Enjoy your flight!

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