
I have ovulation pains today, I saw EWCM yesterday, we BD this you think we BD too late?

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I am on my 2nd round of clomid, and I had an HSG last week. I wanted to BD every other day around ovulation but my DH felt too much pressure. Do you think we were too late?




  1. I would say probably not.  the EWCM usually show up just as you are peaking in fertility. Which means it was probably a predictor of your coming ovulation which you said you felt today.  Even if you ovulated yesterday the egg can live for 12-24 hours after it is released.  An even better scenario would be if you did actually ovulate today because sperm can live much longer than that, up to a few days. So Baby Dust and I hope you get a BFP in a couple of weeks!

  2. I would say it sounds like almost perfect timing if the little guys are fast swimmers!!!  Goodluck and baby dust to you!!!

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