
I have paid a debt collector money and all I asked for during our confirmation is that I get a receipt.?

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In the past I paid debt collectors and gotten no receipts and then a year or 2 later I get a new debt collector asking for the same debt. there was times when I paid the same debt twice and still no receipt from the company. Now I have a new debt collector collecting on an old debt and all I asked for in our confirmation is that I get a receipt for each payment and especially for the final payment of $600. In the past 2 months of payment I received no receipt, so I stopped payment on the $600 payment. I googled the company and can't find anything and I don't have their phone number. They said I was going to jail if I didn't pay them last time we spoke. Who can I call and what can I do to stop them from sending me to jail? I'll pay them, but the deal was for them to get me a receipt for them to get their payment. I'll pay, but all I want is a receipt and I can't find the company anywhere and neither can my bank and the money was paid electronically.




  1. Bdancer is correct.  The good thing is you have already been burned once and you are smart enough not to let it happen again.

    1) You MUST get a very detailed payment plan IN WRITING from the collection agency.  I can't tell you how many times I hear people say they thought the bill was paid, but find out they added even more fees and interest!  All illegal.

    With a detailed letter, you will know exactly when, and how much, you owe.  Another thing the might pull is to suddenly demand that you pay the remaining balance at once, or they may insist on larger payments.  

    If you have this letter, and they try to strong arm you, they are in violation of the FDCA and you can sue THEM for $1000 plus punitive damages.  So that letter is EXTREMELY important.

    And once you start paying, send them money orders (NO personal checks).  Keep that copy of the money order, or better yet xerox it so you can read it better!  That is the only receipt you need.

    The next stunt they will pull is not updating your credit report once you have paid it all off.  If that happens, you simply send the credit bureau a copy of your letter and copies of the money order.  If they don't delete this with all of that evidence, you can now include the credit bureau in your lawsuit.

    As for their claims of tossing you in jail....consider getting a phone recorder and tape them saying it to you.  Or find a couple of witnesses who will listen in on the conversation.  Again, their claim of tossing you in jail is illegal....another lawsuit....another $1000.

  2. I say contact your attorney general office.

  3. You aren't going to jail for a debt.... before you pay any collection agency you should request validation of the debt and as soon as you make a final payment you should request a letter saying the account was paid.

  4. You should always getting a written settlement agreement which details the whole payment plan, BEFORE you pay anything.  You should keep this, along with your proof of payment, forever.  If you have this, you don't need a receipt from the collection agency.  Your money order receipt or cancelled check IS your proof of payment.

    NEVER, NEVER, NEVER  allow a collector direct access to your bank account.

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