
I have pain in my lower part under the stomach on the right?

by  |  earlier

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think its gas or is it my appendix?

help plz.

tell me what 2 do




  1. Do you have vomiting and a fever with it too?  If so, get to a doctor ASAP.  Otherwise it's probably just gas.  Gas-ex or chamomile tea can help with that.

  2. Is your pain running around?

    If yes, it is most probably gas.

    If no, press on left lower abdomen side and release sudden. If you have severe pain on the right, it is most probably appendicitis.

    It is an emergency because appendix can be burst and caused peritonitis which is required to open up the abdomen and do cleaning for your peritoneal.

    Some people wth appendicitis have no symptoms. I advise you better see general surgeon. They are expect in these cases.

  3. It may also be a gallbladder attack.  If you experience it Right after eating especially if you ate fatty food.  Usually the signs of gallbladder pain are pain in the right side radiating up to the right chest and some times into the right shoulder blade or back.  May last between 30min  to several hours.  If lower abdominal pain could be appendix pain in either case can be a medical emergency if symptoms continue you should be see by a health care provider. Good Luck

  4. i recommend you do H.Pylori test... these desease is very spread between people

  5. Put one finger on your belly button, put the other on your hip. Two thirds on this line from your belly button is where your appendix is.

    If it hurts here, it could be.

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