
I have pain just below my outside ankle. it hurts all along the outside part of my foot.?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know what kind of injury it is? o and i hurt it from running during football practice but it has been getting worse. ive iced it , but it hasn't helped. what can i do?




  1. it depends on the type of pain. is it sharp, dull, throbbing, pinching or what? I'm thinking if you can move it and no bones look out of place(compare it to your other foot) then it sounds like maybe you pulled a muscle or tendon. you didn't say very specifcally where on the outside of your foot. whatever it is, my advice is to use RICE(rest, ice, compression, and elevation) and wrap it up in a stretchy athletic wrap(find one at walmart or walgreens or CVS or something like that) and try to stay off of it. Don't push yourself b/c that can make things worse b/c if it is a tendon, it will never heal right if you mess with it. I'd give it 1-2 more days and if things don't get better, see a doctor. Oh, a take some pain meds like Advil, Asprin, etc...

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