
I have paper money can someone tell me how much they are worth?

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Ok I have 1 Real from Brazil

2 Reais Brazil

5000 mil Bolivares from Venezuela date is May 25, 2000 it is a blue bill with Francisco de Miranda on it, I don' know the difference between a bolivar and a bolivar fuerte.Could you please tell me if its a fuerte?

2 Dollars from Canada.

500 Pesos from Argentina it is a green bill with Gra. San Martin.

100 Yen I think with words in the back that say "Zhongguo Renmin Yinhang"

Could someone help me figure out if they are worth anything or can I just go to an exchange and trade them for American dollars...




  1. 5000 bolivares are worth 2 dollars. One bolivar fuerte=1000 bolivares, you have regular bolivares.

    500 argentinian pesos must be worth 150$.

    2 Reais, hmmm, less than a dollar.

    2 canadian dollars equal 2 american dollars

    100 yen equal 1 dollar, but i doubt you have yens if the back says "Zhongguo Renmin Yinhang". That sounds like chinese.  100 chinese yuan are worth 12 dollars.

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