
I have passed my application process for the police has anyone any advice for the next stage

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i have passed the initial process for the police the next stage is role plays and interviews has anyone any advice for me on these




  1. Have some brain cells removed along with your spine.  You'll make a fantastic officer in the Suffolk Constabulary

  2. Stay cool, relax, and don't overdo it.  They are looking for your character, not your knowledge of the law, or how forceful you can be.  Be honest and forthright and you will do fine.

    Good luck and stay safe.

  3. Year, don't ask silly questions particularly on YA which are bound to attract moronic answers from criminals and yobs. As a Police Officer you need to learn how to think on the move. Go to your next stage and embrace new situations and deal with them how you think is best. Don't get advice from others. Your find its either out of date, applies to their particular circumstances or is just total fabrication. Being an effective Police Officer is about learing the hard way, through personal experience. Short cuts will leave you short of knowledge. Get stuck in and work hard, thats the best advice.

  4. 1 Dress Accordingly - Business Suit and Tie.  

    #2 Have a little ego, but authority - do not yell, ask the person to comply.

    be as least agressive as possible when dealing with role plays.  

    #3 keep your record clean, never get any traffic ticket, or any type of arrestable offense.

    #4 Always maintain professional attitude at all times while you are in recruit training, save the jokes and bullshit for later.

    #5 Role Plays and interviews will ask you if you have done drugs, drank while driving, or done anything against the law.  Be truthful about these things, but state when they occoured.  They can and will polygraph you for them.  In fact it is better to have done these things so that you have experience with the stuff (drugs and such) so that you know what to look for.

    Be Humble yet use your authroity only when absolutely needed, and it is better to build a rapport with your suspect and or offender than to beat him up.  You get more information out of the person if you simply build that trust with them.  In role playing its all about sales and how you react to situations and thinking on your feet about things.  and reading the indicators.  You can break a suspect right there on the spot if you simply point out things, and ask questions, like where does your dad live and stuff like that, you will usually get a really bad answer.  At that time you could ascertain some things.

  5. Its some years since I took mine.

    Can I suggest that you are up to date on current affairs and what is happening in the news. Likewise practise speaking in front of a group of people.

    Think carefully about what you say and don't speak for the sake of it.

    Good luck.

  6. yea when you do get in dont turn into a power mad tosser like some (not all) of youre colleagues

  7. These role plays are based on customer service skills and problem solving.  There are various scenarios usually to do with racism, verbal abuse, poor service and similar.  You can say the wrong thing without realising it but if you have a good manner, can speak to people in a calm and professional way and have a problem solving outlook then you should be fine.

    Don't panic when you get to the role plays and try to fill the time in the role play by speaking about the situation and try to suggest ways to solve the problem that you are faced with.

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