
I have pink eye, when can I wear make-up again?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in highschool..and make up is an absolutle MUST. I have to go to school tomarrow if my eyes arn't bad, but I have been sick all week so I'm sure its just viral. If my eyes are better tomarrow should I swear a little bit of make up? What would happen if I did wear it?




  1. Yes, you need to get rid of any make-up you used...and while you're at it, get rid of any make-up you even think you used while you were infected.  A viral infection remains contagious even once you start a cycle of drops, so until you finish the cycle of drops, I wouldn't put on any make-up because you don't want to contaminate it and reinfect yourself.

  2. Throw out all of your makeup (especially eye makeup) because it is probably infected. You don't want to get pink eye again. If you NEED to wear makeup, make sure you don't use a lot of it because it may irritate your eyes.

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