
I have plant eating bugs?

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I have a rose bush whose leaves have many holes in them. I fear bugs! Additionally, my tomato plants are not fairing well; I thought at first that I under or over watered. Perhaps the bugs are to blame?

Any suggestions?




  1. sounds like bugs to me.  you might want to cut off a branch, put it in a Ziploc, take some photos,  and take them to a local Extension Educator.  a lot of them tend to know about diseases and bugs, and if they don't they'll direct you to someone who knows what it might be.  do a search for your county or state educators on yahoo.

  2. Sounds like bugs!! I grow organic...So I answer organic!!! (I sound like such a nerd!) First answer would be neem oil. Pending on where you live, it can be hard to find and expensive. But don't fret!...many organic options are on the market today and if you look at the ingredients, you will find neem oil included. Find the product with the highest neem content. Neem oil is an all around gardeners dream. Helps with bugs, mold, wilt, and many other problems.

    If that is too expensive, I have a remedy from my grandmother that WORKS! (But does not smell that great) Here goes:

    This is only for bugs, rabbits, cats, etc.....

    2 raw eggs

    1 1/2 cup vinegar

    tablespoon garlic

    Cayenne pepper

    Blend well then must strain. Then add to a spray bottle and fill the rest of the bottle with water. (36 oz or slightly smaller bottle.) Spray on top and bottom of leaves. This must be done after every rain. And don't throw away any that is left!! The older it gets the better it works!!      Good luck.

  3. I get japanese beetles that eat on my rosebushes. I use a spray called Sevin on them, works well. I'm not sure if thats safe on tomatoes though, for my veggies I mix water and dish soap, spray that on my garden, seems to work. Good Luck

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