
I have pneumonia but i now feel normal??

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I still have it but, i feel normal just my breathing feels like im breathing in salt and vinager chips every so often. BUT SHOULD I GO TO SCHOOL AND SHOULD I GO TOMORROW 8 TILL 5




  1. Did the doctor give you a date to resume normal activity? Pneumonia may be resolved but the fatigue will probably last a while. You shouldn't over do it because you may compromise your immune system and cause a relapse or allow some other opportunistic bug to take hold. In school there are always plenty going around.

    You should drink a lot of fluids still because that helps your immune system work. If I were you, I wouldn't try to go back to work or school  until the doctor says it is ok. School is more important but just don't over do and get a lot of rest. If someone can help you out by bringing your assignments or keeping you up to date, that's a plus.  

  2. NO! call a sickie and stay home until you feel absolutely 100% better

  3. There is such a thing as "walking pneumonia" where you still have the infection, but not symptoms. It is still contagious, so I'd probably stay home.

  4. How far are you from finishing your medication?  If you're in the last day or two then you should be able to go about your business as usual.  Just be careful not to let yourself get too tired or you'll be sick all over again.  If you've still go a whole week of meds left I'd keep resting for a few more days.

  5. Rest, lay in bed and read,study or just watch tv, if you do not get totally rid of it it will be even worse next time you get it

  6. pneumonia teen health source help u

  7. Antibiotics often used in the treatment of pneumonia. Call your doctor to see if you can go to work saturday and go to school Monday.  

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