
I have poison oak or ivy and it is driving me nuts.?

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On my hands my arms and other places. How do I get rid of it and how contagious is it?




  1. It is contagious to the extent that you can spread the plant oil about or get it from petting a dog that has run thru a patch. Once you blister, the serum produced is not contagious.

    It's too late this time but, the next time you are exposed, try the old laundry-soap control. Good old Fels-Naptha has cut back on some of my problems.

    After you show symptoms, I suggest the products starting with "Rhuli-". They seem to do as well as anything in stopping both itch and spread. They are not easy to find though.

  2. Poison oak and ivy is NOT contagious.  You cannot spread it to another person.  It is from the oils on the plant itself, so yes you can get it from touching the plant directly or the oils getting on clothing and then you touching the clothing or having the oily clothing rubbing on your skin.  You cannot give it to another person however.  Mostly you just have to wait it can use lotions and creams to control the itching.  When out in an area where there is poison oak present, you can carry some "tech-nu" and if you come in contact..apply right away to avoid getting a rash in the first place.  You might also try a product called "zanfel" which helped me alot.  If used right after the rash can keep it from spreading.  It is expensive however..about forty dollars for a small tube.  Severe reaction can be controlled with a cortisone shot from your doctor.

  3. I can tell you it is VERY CONTAGIOUS just like most others have said you can pass it on to others with a hand shake or sharing clothes see your doctor or a pharmacist if you have it that bad

  4. Calamine lotion applied to the skin will help the itching.  Also, taking an oral antihistamine, like Benadryll, should help. Try not to scratch it!  It is contagious.  I had a bad case of it about 10 years ago and it was so bad I wrapped my arm in gauze when I went out - to keep from spreading it because it was oozing and to save myself some embarassment because it looked horrible!  You can't really get rid of it - just manage it until it runs its course and goes away.

    Birdgirl may be right - I've never gotten it from another person. But, I have gotten it from my dog. That's probably because the oils stay on their fur instead of getting absorbed into the skin. If you see your pet get into it, wipe them down with a damp cloth before petting them or letting on your furniture.

  5. calamine lotion helps the itching, as a child I had gotten poison ivy, sumac when my grandmother made me take a bath with small amount of bleach in water.  It is very contagious, I took shots in early spring to minimize its affects. Now I know its appearance I stay far away from it. LOL

  6. a good quality calamine lotion like caladryl works for me. you could also try ivy dry but it is more expensive and works about the same. it is not contagious.

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