
I have prank callers!!! What do i do????

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so ive been having little immature people prank calling my cell phone for the past few days. They call from a private number and they either say something stupid or they just sit there breathing into the phone. It has to be someone I know because they know my name and what school i go to.. Is there anyway I can get the number to not show up blocked or reverse the call or somethng? Ive tried *69 but it doesnt work...




  1. Must change your number...


  3. sing them a song

  4. Change the setting so that blocked numbers will not go through. The caller will receive a message saying that you do not accept calls that are blocked. I think this is a free feature. Call your cell phone company to find out how to set it up.

  5. Hook your phone line up to 3 phase power, right after they call you. I like to call it the tele-zapper. LMFAO.

    JK don't do this or your phone company will send the mob to your house.

  6. an air horn works real well.  Blast out their ear drums a couple of times and they will leave you alone.  or call the phone company.  they frown on this type of thing and will block the calls.

  7. Call your service provider and tell them to block that number. I think they can find out who is calling you.

    Some cellphones have a setting where you can set whose numbers from your contact list you can hear ring - Ive done this sometimes.

  8. girlfriend get a loud whistle and scare the c**p out of them before they scare you any further

  9. If it's turning into a real problem, do some mild research on police reports for scary prank calls, etc. and next time they call breathing into the phone, tell them you know who they are, you have their number traced and you have notified the police. Use some fancy words and play it out like you're definantly not sh*tting them, and mayhaps they will stop.

  10. Say something creepy to freak them out. Like..."you know I can see you right?" If that doesn't work, you have to call the police and make a report.  They have you keep a record of the prank calls and will eventually put a trace on your line.  We went through that several years ago.  It's kind of a pain.

  11. don't answer if you see a blocked number, and even if you do i am sure they will get bored and stop eventually.  or see if you can change your #.

  12. only thing you can do is change your number or get a new sim, but becareful who you give your number to this time!

  13. Well they are paying for it so just leave the phone off the hook!

    Or you could just when they call, don't let them get a word in otherwise and just keep talking and talking until they hang up. Everytime they call do this and they will eventually give up.

    But I agree with the air horn and whistle!!!!!!! It'd scare them silly!!!

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