
I have pressure in my head?

by  |  earlier

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I am 16 years old. Last summer i remember having this pressure in the back of my head. makes my head feel kinda heavy. It is very annoying. I now have it this summer too and my head twitches with it a little bit. I do have allergies and I was wondering if maybe its a seasonal allergy thing?

I'm very scared of brain tumors and cancer so I just want to know that it could be something else......right?




  1. Don't worry, a simple cure for brain tumors is tea tree oil. :)

    Let me know how everything works out!

  2. it could be that you have a high blood pressure. sometimes it comes from to much chemicals that we eat sugar,salt or etc. or maybe it's in your genes OR maybe you expose your self too much under sun (which it might lead to heat stroke)

  3. Sometimes pressure is caused by exposure to sunlight!

    So dont go much in sunlight specially in summer.

    i used to have it but now its better becoz i avoid exposure to sunlight.

    when u expose to heat ur blood pressure rises which increases bloof flow. so try to avoid it

    in winter it is fine

    Hope i helped

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