
I have problem and need advice on how to handle it. I know there is an endangered species of beetle in my area

by  |  earlier

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At least the beetles I keep seeing look so much like the picture, its on the endangered species feds list, the american burrying beetle, been seeing it for years on carcases, and now the town wants to put a ministorage in a seasonal wetland area and I think its going to not be a good thing for this bug. I'd like to alert someone to the presence of this beetle here in my valley, but WHO? I was thinking of starting with a call to the state Uniiversity and talk to a bug professor. It's bothering me, not doing or saying anything.

Any suggestions would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.




  1. contact the epa. posted the link for wetlands. hurray for you - seriously. we have to start our own grassroots campaigns b/c the govt. doesn't care. hope you have success.

  2. You should immediatlely alert you're local EPA section. They have an Endangered Species Act designed for this exact situation, and who ever is  building anything near the beetle's habitat would have to take them into consideration. It's a good idea to contact an entymologist from a University but the EPA should take care of this.  Good job for spotting this!!!! Good luck.

  3. Environmentalist groups don`t care! They just want the wetland shut down

  4. My advice?

    The environment is more important than people. People are fleeting, life on Earth will only last as long as we hold off destroying it.

    You have a way of making a difference in peoples lives so often, this would be another opportunity to do the right thing.

  5. The local Department of Natural Resources office, or Department of Environmental Quality. Either of those should be able to assist or direct you.

  6. I am  not sure who to direct you to but i agree with you about calling the university. At least you tried something or maybe they can direct you to someone more helpful.

  7. The US Fish & Wildlife Service is the main federal agency that deals with protection of endangered species.

    Your state should also have a Wildlife Commission that is supposed to be involved in these things as well.  

    These two agencies should be informed.

    You also mentioned a wetland....the US Corps of Engineers is the main agency that hands out permits to build in wetlands.  Make sure the developer has such a permit from them to do this.

  8. You can also call your local US Fish and Wildlife Service if it is in fact the endangered insect. I am wondering why this storage facility had been approved in the first place..this area should have first been surveyed by biologists specifically looking for any threatened or endangered species.  I hope this facility is being built legally.

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