
I have problem with my yahoo 360 mail box and may profile picture in yahoo 360, what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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i cant recive add MSG and testemonetial MSG.

i can only uload two picture in my yahoo 360 profile, and when i upload 3 or 4 photo , it not show....





    This is likely a 360 glitch, since recently people have asked similar questions in this category. Often Yahoo burps up messages and invitations that should have been received long ago. There's nothing you can do about it, except wait and hope the problem resolves itself. Problems receiving (and sending) invitations and messages have happened before. See for more details on 360 glitches.

    So, you'll need to wait to see if this issue is "miraculously" solved on your 360. This seems to be a site-wide problem, so starting another 360 space wouldn't help you either.


    This another 360 glitch that you can't do anything about. Some people can only upload 1 or no pics, so consider yourself fortunate. You may still find people with 4 pics in the module though.

    Make sure that the image that you are using is a JPEG formatted photo (with .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe extension) under 5MB that's saved to your hard drive.

    If you happen to have a red x in a spot, you can delete a remaining picture to possible get rid of that empty placeholder. I recommend that you leave the module completely alone because it can cause other serious problems on your page like it making your Top Page very long - which may or may not be fixable. You can also lose more spots in the module. There is really nothing that can be done about this issue and if you try to mess with it, then you are taking the risk of having worse things happen. This has been a buggy module for a long time.

    Also, please note the 360 community guidelines ( ) regarding mature content. The personal profile area is a public area, which can't be changed from that status. Adult images must be placed ONLY in the blog under mature content controls. If you have been reported for adult images in that module or in the 360 background, then Yahoo could have removed those images. This inadvertently could have resulted in those spots being lost as well.

    NOTE: Yahoo! 360 is transitioning to a new system in the second half of 2008. Click on the "Yahoo!360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space or go to for more details. However, the Y!360 team is no longer addressing 360 glitches.

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