
I have problems with social settings

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I have trouble talking to people sometimes. Especially boys around my age.

Is there anything that i can do that will help me or somebody i could go to?




  1. I really dont know.

    is there a reason why you are like that? cuz im the same way, but i dont know how to help it.

  2. talk to boys around your age. the thing is, all anxiety comes from one place - and that's in your head. we create so many problems for ourselves, because we look at the future instead of what is going on right now in front of us. we place too much emphasis on thoughts. i read in a book that our thoughts make us react to things like we do in movies. we could be watching a movie and get full of fear, anxiety, etc. when we see bruce willis doing something crazy. ultimately, if the fear or anxiety gets to be too much you have to remind yourself that it's only a movie, or in your case, they're only thoughts. this is in some ways hard to do, because our culture places too much emphasis on thoughts (i think therefore i am). that's why i recommend meditation, where you sit down and take a look at where your thoughts come from and go to. they are not permenant. they will change. and, most importantly, it's more or less a sense organ that basically works with memory the way our eyes work with what's around us. if you really need to go see someone, if you really dont trust yourself with yourself (which is the only thing we can do - if we dont trust ourselves with ourselves, can we trust our own mistrusting of ourselves?) and if you cant accept the fact that thoughts only exist in your head, then i greatly recommend going to a psychoanalyst. those guys are amazing. but, basically, you have only created problems for yourself instead of dealing with whats in front of you because you place too much emphasis on thought.

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