
I have proof my landlord signed my lease under a false name. Can that void the lease?

by  |  earlier

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I just found a ton of proof on the internet (pictures, etc.) that prove my landlord is working under a false last name. Can this void a lease in the state of New Jersey and is he guilty of fraud, or can he legally do this? He also introduces himself over the phone using this false name.




  1. Pictures on the internet are not really proof of anything. For all you know, the information on the internet is false.

    Nothing really voids a contract. If you break the contract and the landlord sues, you would use the landlords breach of the contract as defense.

    For that to work, you would have to prove that the name was false, it was used in a fraudulent manner and that you would not have entered the contract had you know the truth.

    My legal name is David. I answer the phone with Dave.

  2. I'm sure he is breaking the law.  You should call a lawyer and ask them for advice and see what you can do about it.  You signed a lease with his guy and if it is not his legal name then it should be void.

    That is just my option.

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