
I have purchased a product named nightingale naturals. I can't find the web site or the product. Need info.

by  |  earlier

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The products include body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion. The products' web site is not accessible anymore. I purchased at Walmart. I cannot locate any information. Does anybody know what happened. These are wonderful products.




  1. goto and see all best shopping websites recomended

  2. I also use the lotions for a while last winter but was puzzled when they dissappeared off the shelves. I traveled to several distant stores to see if I could find them but only with the luck of stumbling across a manager who told me Walmart was no longer carrying those products as they weren't big sellers. I've also noticed that the website is not longer accessible as I was gonna try to order some online but can't find a reason. My favorite was the lavender tangerine lotion and am now contemplating trying this as a possible replacement.

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