
I have put about 20 miles or riding on my Harley in my neighborhood, when am I ready for traffic?

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I am in the middle of taking a beginning riders class and feel generally pretty comfortable on my bike. I just don't know when I am ready to get out in traffic on the big roads. Are there any tell tale signs that let me know I have enough experience?




  1. Finish your riding class, and stay in your familiar riding surroundings. You will know when it is time to move out, and will see your progress as you complete your training. Thanks for taking a riding course, the whole community thanks you.

    The very best handling exercise that you can do, is the old stop(FEET DOWN) Throttle, shift, brake stop (Feet Down) do this in a parking lot, over and over. You will know when it comes natural.

    This is from an old f**t Riding since 1960.

  2. Many years ago a student of musical composition asked Mozart about writing music. The student asked, Herr Mozart, how does one write a symphony? Can you help me? Mozart, the musical genius of all the ages responded so - "shouldn't you stick to something simpler say a chamber piece for 2 or 3 instruments"? The student pressed further, but Herr Mozart, you wrote a symphony when you were 9 years old. Mozart replied "ah yes this is true, actually I was only 8......but I didn't have to ask how"!

    The moral, if you are asking us you are not quite ready. Ride some more until you know the asnwer. I compliment you on your caution.

  3. keep on practicing keep your eyes peeled for those cars that are more than willing to pull out in front of you and pay perticular attention to all that loose gravel in the curves

  4. your good. besides you have to do it to learn it right.

  5. its scary out there. Whenever you feel comfortable I say give it a try, Be very aware of your surroundings, and know your route for your first trip through traffic.......

  6. That was the first time I've seen anyone here tell a beginner to practice the start shift stop drill. I always say to do that and practice starting in turns like a tight right hander. There are many times you'll need to enter the road but it is only clear in YOUR lane. A wide turn there may get you in trouble. Practice every chance you get until the bike feels like it is an extension of you. You will never know enough about riding and everything you learn MAY save your life someday!

  7. Did you read that post above me?

  8. just get out there on yor scoot i ride every day just look out ..... have sense and all eyes

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