
I have question for people who think that Baby Trig is WORTHLESS?

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Some people are saying that Pallin should have aborted baby Trig because he has Down Syndrome and will be unproductive and become a burden to our Tax Dollars. They also say that she was selfish to give him life.

You know these people who think Baby Trig is Worthless will not always be "productive members" of society.

And I can't help think of what will happen one day when these "perfect" people end up in nursing homes with Alzheimer's disease and will not at that point be productive anymore.

Should we terminate them at that point because they'll be a burden to our tax dollars?

Would it be "selfish" to keep them alive and take care of them?




  1. I've never heard of baby Trig before, but I do have an opinion.

    People that speak up about how some others are worthless and a burden to society and should not be allowed to live should be willing to die the day they become a burden to others. No if's no but's, they should just get the lethal injection on day one. If you have an opinion you should stand by it even if it applies to you.

    And since they, just any person with an opinion, think they have the right to be the judges over life and death would they be willing to have just any other person judge if they should have the right to live or not? What is the person judging them don't like people with noses like their and want them to die because of that. Would it still be a fair deal?

    Many persons with Downs Syndrome do have the ability to be productive citizens if they are given a chance. Many disabled persons can be productive citizens if they are supported instead of suppressed. The world is what you make it.  

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