
I have questions about a 2007 mazda 6i.?

by Guest58050  |  earlier

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Okay I have multiple questions that need to be answered and it would be great/awesome if I had your help. I have a 2007 mazda 6i 2.3 with 30,800 miles. First of all my transmission is dark brown should I change it?, What place can I do that at, but it has to be a place that has the right transmission fluid and have an idea about what they're talking about. Second question, I heard that when you change your spark plugs it's recommended that you change your spark wires and some other stuff I think, so what is all the things that I need to change when changing the spark plugs. Third question, sometimes when I start slowing down (around 5-15 mph) the rpm goes up about 250-500 rpm is this bad or not? Your answers would really help!




  1. is your car a manual or automatic transmission?  if it is automatic, the fluid is a special synthetic fluid, only available from mazda.  it is designed to last quite a long time.  iirc, it is normally a brownish color, but that dont mean yours is still good.  if you take your car to just any shop, be prepared to have the wrong fluid put in, and then paying big bucks to have it redone correctly, maybe even with a new transmission.   check your owner's handbook.   kinda the same with the plugs.  iirc, recommended change intervals is 60k.  i believe they are coil overs, which means no high tension wires.  most cars nowdays have coil over plug systems.  wherever you are hearing about high tension wires is in the past.  WAY in the past.  

         most likely the reason your rpm goes up is to keep up with electrical demands.  also, if your a/c is on, when the compressor kicks on, the icv will bump the idle up.  when in a hard turn at lo speeds, there is a switch on the p/s pump that also will tell the pcm to increase idle.  

  2. any shop can change the trans oil, there is not a special oil for your trans, just dextron mercon that's what it need

    one place i can recomed you is mr quicks, they use mobil oil, and thats a good oil

    for the spark plugs, use the original ones will be just fine and there is no need to change the wires, unless you want spend crazy money on iridium or whatever spark plugs that will not give u any major performance, many newbies after this will tell you the iridium are the best

    so i have a question for those rookies

    why the iridium are better than regular ones? because the label say so? LOL

    the rpm thing is normal for automatic trans

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