
I have questions!?

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i am a vegan and i love starbucks and cold stone. (please don't tell me i shouldn't and please don't tell me to stop getting these things because they overprice their food... i honestly don't care)

what can i get a starbucks? and do they have the vegan brownies everywhere?

second, cold stone smoothies, they don't have diary (i asked) but what about eggs or honey or something like that?




  1. Uh, I used to work at cold stone and the smoothies aren't vegan! We put dairy in everything but the sorbet! Of course, I live in the midwest so we don't have soy milk available, maybe it's different out there.

    I would ask them if they put "milk" in them cause believe it or not, I've had people say, "dairy?" cause they don't know that dairy IS milk.

  2. I haven't seen the vegan brownies at any starbuck's I've been to, so they definitely don't have them everywhere.

    Other than the bagels, most regular starbuck's food items are not vegan.  The frozen drinks (like frappacinos) are also not vegan.  You can get a soy latte with whatever syrup you like, or an iced soy latte.

    Coldstone smoothies can in fact be vegan--you have several options for both liquid and "solid" parts of the smoothie.  Unless something has changed, you can choose juice or soy milk for the liquid (or milk, which obviously is not vegan), and can choose sorbet (which is vegan) for the base (or frozen yoghurt which is obviously not vegan).  None of the supplements are vegan.

    The sorbets (raspberry, watermelon, tangerine, and I've seen lemon but it is not listed on their website) are vegan, but most of the mix-ins are not.

  3. ive never seen vegan brownies at starbucks... any kind of soy latte is good from there though.


    idk about coldstone

  4. since you already asked them about dairy, you should have also asked them about eggs or honey.

    as for the rest of your question, i honestly don't care either....
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