
I have questions that needs answers.?

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I was just wondering if a Japanese Spitz can be train to compete in an agility contests...

Not really a contest but more of a dog showing for an association in our area...

Also how old should a puppy be before it can be trained...?

Another question,

I know this kinda sounds dumb but is 2 days per week of training enough for a dog...

I have class and I am the only one who kinda have ideas on how to train dogs in our house

and no, I cannot hire a trainer...

Your answers are greatly appreciated...




  1. Don't know about the spitz question.

    Training can start pretty early, and it does just with housebreaking. Any training needs to be consistent, every day, but it doesn't have to take up a big chunk of time. Wanna teach your dog to sit but you wanna watch your favorite TV show too? During commercial breaks, work on it. During the show, just give the dog love and praise. Five minutes at a time, but on a consistent basis is the only way you will ever get a dog trained.

    I took my dog to Petsmart's training classes, and it was one class a week for eight weeks. It taught me so much on how to communicate what I wanted to my dog. That was one of my best $100 purchases.

    Good luck!

  2. You can start training a puppy at any age.  Every day you can train your dog without a set time to do it.  For example, before giving them a treat, make them sit.  Because they sit and then get rewarded, you are training them!  Also, walking them in the proper way, is another source of training.  Be sure they walk beside or behind you.  A dog that walks in front, becomes the pack leader.  

  3. any dog can be trained. It just takes longer for certain breeds.  Start as soon as possible but depending on age start with little things.  2 days a week really isn't enough, It's something that should be taught more often, but it can be done it will just take so much longer then if you did it daily.  even if you only do small things on a daily basis and big lessons on your days that are free.

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