
I have racist thoughts at times. im really not. but i see differences in race that disgust me. Am i bad?

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I have racist thoughts at times. im really not. but i see differences in race that disgust me. Am i bad?




  1. Nah dude.... you just have thoughts..

  2. We all have thoughts like those at times. You're not a racist.

    Everyone is long as those thoughts don't become something more, you're fine. Besides, everyone has done things like stereotype, etc once in a while.

  3. Remember that the negative characteristics you see in people of a certain color also appear in people of other races.  The point is:  there's good and bad in all races.  Sometimes it's hard to remember that - but it's important.

  4. It's okay to have bad thoughts about certain races. I do about some races, even if I'm friends with them. Just because some of them live on the street doesn't mean all of them do. Try to get it out of your head that these types of people are bad.

  5. I don't feel you're bad, just realistic.   Its when you feel one race (usually your own)  is superior to another that you became racist.  When you act out against someone because of those differences is when you become bad.

  6. No, because racism is as old as time and COMPLETELY NATURAL.

    Dont be apologetic to media-brainwashed liberals.

  7. I'm the same way sometimes. So I'm not sure...I hope not. i love all races but there are things that are just wierd that I'm not used to.

  8. Tarzan is right... everybody thinks things whether they admit to it or not... it's if they act on those thoughts that counts.

  9. no one can change how you think but as long as you act towards everyone the same then thats what matters

  10. no, my parents are the same way. just don't act or say out loud what you're thinking.  you're not a bad person just highly opinionated and you can probably find flaws in your own race s well.

  11. No, you are human.  We all have them whether we admit it or not.  You would be a racist if you were to act on your thoughts.  Actions speak louder than words in my opinion.

  12. I understand what youre saying. I think everyone has a little bit of pride for their own race. Just try not thinking like youre superior over other races just b/c of those differences. Ya know. Just because you think one thing is disgusting doesnt mean it's good or bad. Everyone is different. For a reason. Im sure there are things you do that ppl may find "disgusting" or weird, just as long as you accept that ppl are different..then I think you'll be fine.

    Hopefully you get what Im trying to say.

  13. No you're perfectly normal...just dont act out your thoughts.

  14. No.

    ALL people have unwanted thoughts. Whether they be of jealousy, sexual-attraction for a married person or racist thoughts. There is no way to control your mind and to tell it to stop. In fact, it is likely that if you try to stop thinking about something it will only make it worse. In my opinion, I think it is enough that you acknowledge that your thoughts are wrong and then maybe you can figure out how to get past them.

  15. You're not bad - but, are you disgusted with your race too??

    I see things in races & gender & age that I don't like. There are people in each of those categores as well - that I don't like. I don't consider myself racist, sexist, or ageist.

  16. Seems your aware of your own shortcomings . "There's enough of the BAD in the best of us that it's hard to tell the worst of us from the rest of us!" When you get to be perfect you won't live here anymore! In the mean time sounds like your on the right track.

  17. i dont think so

    im like that sometimes

  18. No,Sometimes I do it too..but I think it is more that you are seeing it because they are.. what ever race b/c they are put out in that form of way.Ha, But I think it's okay to have racial thoughts sometimes.. Just don't kill anybody :]

  19. If you don't want to have racist thoughts.  Change.

    Thoughts have power.

  20. We meet each other through our experiences, family, and friends. We need to learn not to judge each other by our first impressions or to “judge a book by its cover.”    As Michael Kronenwetter states, “Most first impressions are prejudgments, not true prejudices” . This author explains that sometimes our experiences confirm our first impressions, and an individual ends up being who we originally thought. Sometimes people turn out to be completely opposite of what we initially thought. However, if a negative first impression stays with the person and does not change through further experiences, that person’s thought is no longer first impression, but rather is an act of prejudice (25).

  21. No you are not bad, you should just try to not have racitst thoughts all the time.

    well, just dont say them to anyone.

  22. we all think it just never say it...

  23. No you are not bad...I think almost everyone has racist thoughts at times..sometimes when people are upset at other people belonging in different race they tend to blame their race as to why that person is like that...but as long as you dont commit any crime because that person is belonging to another race...racist thoughts doesnt necesarily make a person bad unless you put it into action...and thats what makes a person a racist..

  24. Everyone does. You shouldn't be disgusted by other people that much though.  People are more alike than they are different.

  25. You have to detach yourself from those angry emotions and move on with your thoughts. Grow in your understanding of those around you. It is both our burden and priviledge to familiarize ourselves with those in our community. Judgement of other will ultimately limit you.

    I've been where you are and I have felt what you are feeling. You can do it. I did.

  26. Not at all. I am the same way, but just get on with your life... You can't change them.

  27. This question does not have an absolute answer since it is subject to various opinion. Generally your actions are judged and not your thoughts. Lots of people have bad thoughts but that doesn't make them bad persons.

  28. unbelievable........unbelievable........... knew you were a racist.....kill i'm just kidding.....just don't act on your racist thoughts......racist

  29. No you are human, It is impossable to like or even get along with everyone.

  30. If you are catching your racist thoughts, which it sounds like you are, and stopping and thinking "Wow, that was a little racist" then I think you are already on the way to becoming color-blind. You trying to challenge the conceptions society, and I'm going to guess your upbringing, have instilled in you-- and if you are doing that, then you aren't racist. Calm down and try to just be nice to EVERYBODY-- no matter what their color.

  31. Not bad, you just need to be careful with your thoughts.

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