
I have random dreams that dolphins are growing thumbs and taking over the world, am I normal?

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in this dream, the dolphin is hovering above my bed, then it slaps me with its fins. then, it grows thumbs, and I see it throwing coconuts at the president, then the dolphin pushes a red button and then I wake up.




  1. curb your temper and you have and unexpected gift in the near future(probably money)

  2. beleive me ure normal u shud lissen to some of the dreams i have and sometimes have reruns for several days

  3. Stop eating after dinner!

  4. I think these are a bit muddled because you get stressed and go to bed sometimes with a lot on your mind. however, that said I think the content is amusing in a way as Dolphins are super intelligent and have very special communication abilities. They would in fact I am sure do exactly that to the president!  As for pushing the red button,  watch what happens in time to governments, their form of rule is coming to an end slowly. Dolplhins communicate with entities from other galaxies who have prior knowledge of everything that will happen here.

  5. The dream suggest  something threatening in you life and there could be a sexual aspect to it.   Your fear is it could likely become violent and you refuse to look closely at the situation to find possible actions you could take.  You need to take some action rather than just denying the situation.

    Let me know if this helps.

  6. Are you sure that is a dream?! It sounds more like a nightmare to me! Seriously though, dolphins are probably the smartest creatures in the sea (next to the octopus) so they can evolve and take over the world!

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