
I have read about the worsest 2 capital cities against the enviroment are Maxico city and Cairo?

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What should we do as Europeans in that case being we live in One world?




  1. That wouldn't suprise me,  but we are cleaning up toxic areas and looking for ways to fix smog.

  2. I have been over there and it is really not clean , it is not matter of air only , it is every thing

  3. Let em go China has some of the most toxic air on planet earth to me

    .. . ..

    When you are walking down the main street and seeing people wearing breathing mask the kind  that take out toxins in the air

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    And on a clear sky day you can only see 3 blocks

    because of the air pollution

    ... ....

    That is bad not what some city thinks is bad policy

    Look at Los Angles or San Francisco

    ... . ...

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