
I have read so much fear mongering and cant in this section i wanted to pose a question regarding heaven/h**l?

by  |  earlier

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It is in the established churches interest to promote the notion of the only post mortem options of heaven and h**l. If reincarnation is not a third option why is it given support by Christ (Mathew7)( Mark9) in the officially edited bible, and in the expurgated Gnostic Gospel Pistis Sophia. Reincarnation was a central pillar in early Christianity and was progressively suppressed from the 6th. century onwards with tens of thousands put to death in order to benefit the coffers of the then Roman Catholic church.




  1. no it wasnt....wheres the question??

  2. I agree.  From my studies of the early (pre-Catholic) church, I recall that reincarnation actually was an important "hypothesis," back in the days before St. Augustine (290) defined the Christian soul and the official version of Christian immortality.  Christ Himself was quite vague about exactly how His promise of immortality might actually work.  Before St. Augustine, many early Christians (including Tertullian) imagined the fulfillment of Christ's promise was a unique form of reincarnation -- much like being reincarnated into heaven.  

    After Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicaea (325), the Vulgate Bible was compiled, the Catholic church was formed, Christianity became the official Roman religion, Mary was retroactively declared a perpetual virgin, the Trinity was invented, and Jesus Christ was elevated from a mere prophet to the son of God and was thereafter considered actually divine.  Constantine used the Vulgate Bible as justification for a series of wars of extermination against a half-dozen earlier versions of Christianity, supposedly heretical.   All of which served to further legitimize the emerging Catholic church.

  3. he does not talk about reincarnation. reincarnation is when you come back in some one else's body right? The things in the bible is rasing of the dead in there own forms, and when it talks about john the baptist is is saying he cam in his spirit not that he was him incarnate.

  4. This claim is completely without factual basis. John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah and not his soul. Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Gregory of Nyssa, Irenaeus, all mocked transmigration as nonsense.

    I'm an atheist, not because I oppose Christianity, but because I support truth, and truth is, your accusation is false.

    And having found myself on the same side of an argument as Fireball I am going to curl up in the corner and quake with horror and revulsion.

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