
I have read that it would be cheaper for me to drain my 12 foot pool every two weeks rather than use chemicals

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I have read that it would be cheaper for me to drain my 12 foot pool every two weeks rather than use chemicals




  1. Uh, no, that's stupid.

  2. Depends on where you are located and how the water and sewage rates are calculated.  Ecologically it is better to treat the existing water with a good cleanable filter and a small amount of chlorine.  That much water is several hundred gallons.  Dumping it down the drain is a total waste.  If you do not have to worry about freezing in the winter, get a good tarp to cover it and run the filter unit.  The amount of chemicals needed will be greatly reduced as heat and sunlight is what depletes the chlorine level.  I have taken care of a 57.000 gallon pool for 5 years and with stabilizer and good filters the winter chemicals are very sparse.

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