
I have realised that most of the religious people have given up talking about life beyond biological death?

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could it be that they have finally realised that death is the end of life and nothing survives beyond that point ?




  1. The only thing that keeps religion alive is the concept of death and life thereafter. If there's no such concept, religion would not exist at all as it is the basis and foundation on which each religion build on.

    If there's no Heaven (or h**l) after life, what would Christians then advocate to people as there'd be no consequences for mankind's sins?

    So, in other words, religious people will never stop talking about life after death; it's just your refusal to listen to it.

  2. In invisible forces to this trust if somebody thinks in some clearly strange way, like from in the subject of hyperdimensi0nal creatures.

  3. How odd, and silly.

    Most of the religious people I know never stop talking about life beyond biological death because they are so sure that  there is life after biological death.

    You need to get out more or stop making silly statements about things that you apparently know little about.


    Sai Ram

  4. Here we GO! I  HAVE lived before! This will bring the ire of Christians (and atheists) I bet! I have DISTINCT memories of previous lives that I tend not to overtly divulge because I CANNOT prove them beyond what is observable by me. But I do use my previous life experiences to avoid the pitfalls in my present life that I incurred in previous lives. If you ask me to prove it ... I cannot. But I revel in the knowledge that it is true each time I change the path that was taken in a previously remembered existence.


    one day. When 'We Leave this Mortal Coil',

    and until the 'Day I Leave this Mortal Coil'.

    I won't know the answer, what is more,

    I don't Care About the Answer.

    As there is nothing I can do,

    whether it is one way or the other.


  6. Anything that can prove their beliefs to be wrong must be discarded.

  7. Logically, it is not possible to claim "no existence beyond cessation of bio functioning."

    Evidentially, there are sufficient data to prove e.g. Resurrection of Christ Jesus in a court trial.  (Simon Greenleaf, Harvard Law professor, esteemed as the leading expert on evidence, an atheist of Jewish heritage, on a challenge by a student, examined the quality of evidence re Christ Jesus' resurrection, and was compelled by his professionalism to admit it was sufficient.)

    It is well to note that a self-fulfilling dynamic occurs for the atheist who believes she knows "God is not" (an impossible claim, as it implies proof of a universal negative), and hence fails to champion her inner childlike joy, love, and wisdom, which is what in fact coheres and organizes the soulfield to its survival after passing.

    You'd do well to read, therefore,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton,

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.,

    "Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.,

    "Education Begins before Birth," O. M. Aivanhov,

  8. Are you a reader?  Do you like good Christian fiction based on God's Truth?

    I recommend that you read the book, "Left Behind", by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.

    This book is one of a series of 14 books that does discuss life beyond biological death.

  9. Correction:  Most of the religious people YOU have known.  Not otherwise.  Your interaction with religious group seems limited to a certain group or certain religion.

    We,  in India,  have not revised our opinion.  All religious people, in most religions practiced in India, still hold that belief beyond death and reincarnation!

    Thank you very much!

  10. No there is a trend to remove these beliefs from our culture . So it has become taboo in expressing christian beliefs in public .

  11. theres a very complex answer to your question and it has to do with the change in religious groups and patterns over time. I think all religious groups beleive in some sort of existence after death whether it be in heaven or some sort of paradise.  So technically, they havent stoped talking about life after death. In terms of beleving in a physical life after death....that has always been a beleif to select religions. I guess in ancient days .....they beleived in it more often and maybe that was due to the lack of science?

  12. I don't know. Have you realized that? It could be, but it's a very depressing thought, now isn't it?

  13. All religions are out of context in todays world of knowledge.

    Religions should be dynamic and adaptive (constantly changing) otherwise they lose their impact

    I am ashamed that there even had to be any conflict between Christian Creationism and Evolutionary theory

    When something becomes rigid - it either stands tall or breaks under pressure

    Let us not be rigid - no - not even in science

  14. Faith, their lose their faith. religous people can change, but the religion context remain same.they cant change the content just because they lose faith in it.

  15. I'm not a religious person yet I believe that there is life beyond death....many lives actually. I believe that after death in out current bodies we are reincarnated into another body in another time in place to learn what we need to in order to reach enlightenment about the oneness of life in the grand macrocosm of the universe. So in essence we never die just continue on in our immortal souls from one body to the next.

  16. your question assumes that it is the end

    personally i think you just haven't been listening in the right places

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