
I have really BIG EARS. Can any plastic surgery be done to make them smaller?

by Guest59746  |  earlier

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But my ears are not unattached to the head, like some dumbo ears. They are just big, like Demi Moore's or Katie Holmes'. Well, probably even bigger.




  1. Big ears no crime.Be happy that you can hear from them. Donot need to be like STUPID celebs who destroying their bodies with extra money. I am sure you look good in those ears because they yours and they unique.

    Be confident, donot be picky about yourself. Have confidence and this comes within. Think about incapacitated people!

  2. ya;...

  3. I don't actually know any answer for your question. But I want to ask you something...

    Why would you want to change something on your body? Aren't you contented? Be proud of what you have... If someone's teasing you, ignore them! They're just jealous because you're unique... If you don't like your ears, I don't like my lips. But it's what I got. I have to ACCEPT the TRUTH. It's who I really am.

    Would you want to be beautiful but it's not the real you already? and it costs you something!

    Or you'd prefer your NATURAL BEAUTY???

  4. Yes.  It is called Otoplasty.

    Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is usually done to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears.

    I am all for plastic surgery and don;t let anyone talk you out of it if it is something you really want.  Anything one can do to make ourselves feel better about ourselves - why not?

  5. Please don't destroy your body.

  6. You can have your ears pinned back...but my friend had hers done and she didn't look any better. As long as you don't have really thin hair that your ears poke out of...don't worry about it.

  7. yh surgery can sort it out. they'll have to cut a bit of skin foff and shape it. some of it come out abnormal.

    don't change the way you look everyone has problems

  8. you can get them pinned back

  9. Yes, You can have a plastic surgery done. But you should carefully consider that. You should contact a professional surgeon, otherwise you may look worse. In my opinion you should accept your look, no one is perfect, besides Tom is crazy about Katie :)

    If you choose a right hair cut for you, you'll look great.

  10. Hey, to anwser your question "yes" you can get plasic surgery done to your ears. I bet that they aren't very big at all, and that no one in public notices or cares about your ears, they only notice the true you.Every body has there likes and dislikes about themselves, and you would be suprised how very little other people notice them! :)

  11. Yes there is surgery. You can get them pinned back bit I heard that it hurts terribly.  

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